Dragon Name Generator(Fantasy) Refresh
30 names generated by default each time, the first 15 names are female, the left 15 names are male.
- Ydhi, the Insane(female)
- Rythos, the Powerful One(female)
- Lozzo, Lord of the Black(female)
- Dumyss, the Clean(female)
- Osyrth, the Puny(female)
- Nopess, Champion of the Blue(female)
- Zivnyth, Lord of the Green(female)
- Lagodi, Protector of the Sky(female)
- Umrayntin, Braveheart(female)
- Adhophit, the Adorable(female)
- Chynug, Lord of the Yellow(neutral)
- Voadhoin, the Mysterious(neutral)
- Cayghit, the Dark(neutral)
- Tinnulth, the Bright(neutral)
- Ureil, Protector of the Forest(neutral)
- Iako, the Rabbit Slayer(neutral)
- Choidia, the Dark(neutral)
- Aylorranth, the Dark One(neutral)
- Cemrossun, Lord of Fire(neutral)
- Chuldruphud, the Champion(neutral)
- Xolzrid, the Powerful(male)
- Paindrem, the Jealous One(male)
- Dinanth, Lord of the White(male)
- Usi, Champion of the Brown(male)
- Biket, the Calm(male)
- Peindrur, the Jealous One(male)
- Dirdianth, Lord of the Yellow(male)
- Naylrerrienth, the Protective(male)
- Tarvusdyss, the Squeeler(male)
- Frombosdag, the Clever(male)