Superhero Name Generator(Fantasy) Refresh

Superhero Name Generator - you can generate random 30 names each time fit for superheroes. We offer 3 different styles of superheros names. The first 10 names will always start with 'The', the next 10 names start with random title, the last 10 names are random names from a list of names that Internet-users submitted.

  • The Dark Warrior
  • The Mammoth Enchanter
  • The Lucky Prince
  • The Fancy Prodigy
  • The Orange Armadillo
  • The Eager Detective
  • The Gorgeous Eagle
  • The Intelligent Mothman
  • The Gray Whiz
  • The Honorable Guardian
  • Commander Spectacular Defender
  •  Earthen Amazon
  •  Aqua Mastermind
  •  Ice Mole
  • Mister Huge Devil
  •  Long Axeman
  •  Clever Wasp
  •  Purple Watcher
  •  Heavenly Axeman
  • Mister Fast Wolfman
  • Saber
  • Nightbolt
  • Icicle
  • Doctor Chronos
  • Brass Bison
  • Gray Granite
  • Ice Raven
  • Liquid Steel
  • The Crusher
  • Broken Watchman