God Name Generator(Fantasy) Refresh
30 names generated by default each time, the first 15 names are female, the left 15 names are male.
- Godite, Godess of the Underworld(goddess)
- Oftia, Godess of Light(goddess)
- Buyja, Godess of Nature(goddess)
- Horulla, Godess of Tricks(goddess)
- Tyqulla, Godess of Revenge(goddess)
- Hedione, Godess of Strength(goddess)
- Poptuna, Godess of Fortune(goddess)
- Eztrix, Godess of Trade(goddess)
- Odtris, Godess of Night & Day(goddess)
- Josoi, Godess of Misfortune(goddess)
- Dytdione, Godess of Law(goddess)
- Zineas, Godess of Dreams(goddess)
- Pucva, Godess of Poetry(goddess)
- Edia, Godess of Hope(goddess)
- Earis, Godess of Strength(goddess)
- Yzeus , God of the Military(god)
- Ypher , God of Law(god)
- Ydall , God of Poetry(god)
- Jylous , God of Fall(god)
- Raione , God of Honesty(god)
- Ylotl , God of Law(god)
- Zuwdum , God of Chaos(god)
- Anlios , God of Day(god)
- Avnia , God of Poetry(god)
- Ozagi , God of Duty(god)
- Cidthar , God of Wind(god)
- Xitos , God of Endings(god)
- Woqrus , God of the Rivers(god)
- Other , God of the Dark(god)
- Ridall , God of Winter(god)