Basic information | |
Full name | Diana Cruz |
Birthday | 5/21/1944 (80 years old) |
Gender | female |
Title | Ms. |
SSN | 461-37-8995 |
Temporary email | This is a real email address, click here to recieve mails. |
Blood type | O+ |
Weight | 181.1lb (82.3kg) |
Height | 5' 7" (169cm) |
Biography | Passionate introvert. Hardcore food ninja. Extreme troublemaker. Internet buff. |
Interest | Writing,Surfing |
Constellation | Gemini |
Street address | 2237 Sardis Sta |
City | Reno (Parker) |
State | Texas (Abbr: TX) |
Zipcode | 76020 |
Country | United States (Abbr: US) |
Telephone number | 817-677-8051 |
Country Calling Code | 1 |
Personality | |
Favorite Movie | Shichinin no samurai(1954) |
Favorite Music | Hip hop music |
Favorite Song | Gjord Av Sten(by Veronica Maggio) |
Favorite Sports | Cycling |
Favorite Book | Stranger in a Strange Land --by Robert A. Heinlein |
Favorite TV | Little Big Shots NBC |
Favorite Food | I'm on a diet |
Favorite Color | Orange |
Personality | Sadisti |
Personal Style | Jeans and t-shirt |
Username | Prinel1944 Username Generator |
Password | eeR6Ied2ou Password Generator |
Vehicle | 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII |
GUID | bd8889df-dab1-4c73-b908-02e09c5648da |
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