Basic information | |
Full name | Gabriela Lima |
Birthday | 5/11/1960 |
Gender | female |
Title | Ms. |
SSN | 582.667.189-03 |
Temporary email | This is a real email address, click here to recieve mails. |
Blood type | A+ |
Weight | 134.4lb (61.1kg) |
Height | 5' 5" (165cm) |
Biography | Prone to fits of apathy. Evil coffee aficionado. Twitter lover. Travel advocate. |
Interest | Dancing,Homebrewing Beer |
Constellation | Taurus |
Street address | Rua Facão 823 |
City | Uberlândia |
Area/Province | Minas Gerais (Abbr: MG) |
Zipcode | 38407-132 |
Country | Brazil (Abbr: BR) |
Telephone number | (34) 6526-3147 |
Country Calling Code | 55 |
Personality | |
Favorite Movie | Saving Private Ryan(1998),The Mission(1986) |
Favorite Music | Rock and roll |
Favorite Song | Jag Hatar Att Jag Älskar Dig Och Jag Älskar Dig Så Mycket Att(by Håkan Hellström) Versace on the Floor(by Bruno Mars) |
Favorite Sports | Surfing, Tennis |
Favorite Book | A Walk to Remember --by Nicholas Sparks Johnny Got His Gun --by Dalton Trumbo The Red Tent --by Anita Diamant |
Favorite TV | Homeland (2011) The Keepers (2017) Elementary CBS |
Favorite Food | Steak, medium rare |
Favorite Color | Violet |
Personality | Sadisti |
Personal Style | Jeans and t-shirt |
Username | Feem1960 Username Generator |
Password | Ielah4ge3ow Password Generator |
Vehicle | 1997 Nissan El Grand |
GUID | 8b0d6435-af3f-4e9d-96e3-ebbdc551438f |
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