Basic information | |
Full name | Gianna Palerma |
Birthday | 6/26/2001 |
Gender | female |
Title | Ms. |
SSN | AT42752133 |
Temporary email | This is a real email address, click here to recieve mails. |
Blood type | A+ |
Weight | 157.5lb (71.6kg) |
Height | 4' 11" (150cm) |
Biography | Avid alcohol fan. Bacon advocate. Travel lover. Music maven. Social media practitioner. Zombie expert. Student. |
Interest | Internet Marketing,Surfing,Leatherworking |
Constellation | Cancer |
Street address | Via Carlo Cattaneo 66 |
City | Martis |
Area/Province | Sassari (Abbr: SS) |
Zipcode | 07030 |
Country | Italy (Abbr: IT) |
Telephone number | 0354 9653458 |
Country Calling Code | 39 |
Personality | |
Favorite Movie | The Last Samurai(2003) |
Favorite Music | Classical music |
Favorite Song | Minnen Av Aprilhimlen(by Håkan Hellström) |
Favorite Sports | Bowling |
Favorite Book | The Maze Runner (Maze Runner) --by James Dashner |
Favorite TV | Jane the Virgin (2014) |
Favorite Food | Pasta |
Favorite Color | Indigo |
Personality | Secretive |
Personal Style | Jeans and t-shirt |
Username | Therant Username Generator |
Password | iiN9iuZouk Password Generator |
Vehicle | 2001 Hyundai Satellite |
GUID | b31709b5-9af4-44e4-97c2-193a730532ac |
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